UW Flying Club Membership Application
Please fill out and submit the form below or download and complete this paper application.
Terms of Agreement
I hereby apply for membership in the UW Flying Club. I agree to these terms and conditions of membership:
I understand that the UW Flying Club, Inc. (UWFC) is a 501(c)(7) nonprofit social organization. Its purpose is to encourage flying practice and safety among its members.
I will abide by the provisions of the Constitution, Bylaws, and Operating Rules of the UWFC and any other rules, regulations, and directives that may from time-to-time by promulgated by the Board of Directors or the UWFC membership.
I will submit the required initiation fee of $500 and one month’s dues of $65 with this application. I understand that the initiation fee is non-refundable upon my acceptance into membership.
I will pay the monthly UWFC billing, within 15 days after receipt, by check or money order. Unpaid balances after 30 days are subject to a 1.5% finance charge. I understand that failure to pay as agreed may result in loss of flying privileges, claims judgement, and payment of collection fees.
I will pay for the use of club aircraft at “wet” rates established by the UWFC. I understand that, upon submission of receipts, my account will be credited for fuel and oil that I purchase while away from Dane County Regional Airport. However, I will not be reimbursed for other expenses including hangar, de-icing, landing, and parking fees that I incur.
I will obtain a proficiency check ride in the highest type aircraft that I intend to fly with a UWFC-designated instructor upon acceptance to the Club. Than I will obtain an Annual Flight Review (similar to a BFR) at least once within any 12-month period and mail the results to the UWFC office on the form provided. Failure to do so will result in the loss of my flying privileges until this requirement is met.
I may become an inactive member by submitting a written (or email) request to the UWFC office, provided my account is paid in full. Dues will be suspended while I am inactive. I can be reinstated by paying the current reactivation fee and obtaining a new proficiency check ride.